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R.E.N.A is now accepting afterschool 

applications through September 13th, 2024. After school starts September 16, 2024 - June 11th, 2025.


Please click the Afterschool application link below. Thank you! 


Afterschool Application Link 

Hours of Operation 
Monday - Friday 10am - 5:00pm 
Saturday - 10am - 3pm 
Sunday - Closed 
Office number (919) 918-2822
Please note starting January 18 th , 2025, we will need food assistant application forms completed PRIOR to picking up food on the third Saturday of the month. Please return this completed form to us by January 13 th , 2025, failure to do so will prevent you from receiving food during our food drive.

Please use the link below to complete the form and email the completed forms to 

Food Assistance Application

R.E.N.A is now offering Notary Public services by JaMesha Cannon-Phillips, she will offer appointments on Friday afternoon 4pm-6pm and Saturday 10am-3pm. Please email her to schedule a signing appointment.



Below are some photos that were taken on May 1st, 2021 of some of the individuals who decided to come to our facility and receive the Covid-19 Vaccination. Please click on Covid Vaccination to be given information about updated times and places to get a vaccination. 

Food Distribution

Food Distribution:


Every Third Saturday of the month from 10 am - 3 pm we distribute bags of canned goods such as greens, corn, beans, soup,etc.

  • We also provide produce such as lettuce, milk, ground beef, bacon, chicken and etc. 

  • We distribute bags of food on a first come first serve basis. We distribute until we are completely out of food. 

  • More pictures of our food distribution is displayed under the Food Pantry tab and the Covid-19 Food Distribution. 

R.E.N.A would like to thank the Sheriffś Office for their generous donation for our food drive. We are very appreciative of the donations we receive, Thank you again for your time and all of your help! Please see below pictures of the orange county Sherriffś Office delivering their donations to RENA. 


On February 14, 2023 RENA held a Valentine's Day Brunch for law enforcement. We at Rena are very grateful for the officers that continuously show that they are apart of our community.   


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  • Green Tract Environmental Assessment Field work ( if anyone has any questions or concerns regarding seeing people  accessing the site and/or parked cars. Please contact Ashley Moncado with any concerns) 

  • Email :

The Community Center 
  • Serves community members from diverse cultures: Asian, Latino, Black, and White - it's all about the 
    NEW  Rogers Road Community

  • Bridges cultural gaps by bringing community members together, with programs such as after-school tutoring, enrichment classes, athletics, gardening, and community festivals.​

  • Serves families from Chapel Hill, Carrboro, the Highway 54 area, and all of Orange County.

  • Promotes a safe, strong, vibrant community: when we get to know each other, we take care of each other! 

The Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Association (RENA)

RENA is committed to ending racial and cultural injustice through community involvement, political action and education. Join with us in this critical mission with your time and contributions.

The Lives We Impact


After watching his granddaughter cut the ribbon to what could be the future for Rogers Road, the end of the 40-year struggle for equality is almost in sight for David Caldwell.

“Our list of things that was promised in 1972 is almost complete, and I think that will be my biggest satisfaction, and once that is done, I’ll feel like I can take a break.”

David Caldwell on the opening of    the Community Center.

Community Center

RENA is all about service. Service to the Rogers Road community, their families and children through a wide range of innovative programs. Volunteers drive the service engine - consider adding your expertise and enthusiasm to "fuel" the programs. 

Volunteer today!

  • After School Tutoring

  • Health & Nutrition Programs

  • Unity in the Community Programs

  • Community Garden 

  • Arts and Dance Programs

Click here for more
on our programs.

  •  Click here for the Chapel Hill Arts Calendar.

Hot off the Press!

 •  Click here for your copy of the latest Newsletter
from ​the OC Arts Commission.

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